My Studio In The Woods

My Studio In The Woods

My Story

My studio is located in the woods in a rural area outside of Athens, Georgia. The design of the studio reflects my fondness for playing in the woods as a kid. All of the windows keep me really close to feeling like I am outside and allow an abundance of natural light to flow into the studio. I feel a continuity between my work space and the environment right outside it’s walls.

I work with stoneware clay and primarily focus on making utilitarian ware for the table and kitchen, and for flower arrangements. My pieces are treadle wheel thrown and then modified with hand built components consisting of textured slabs. Surface treatments consist of natural ash or soda, and/or applied slips and glazes. Pieces are fired in either a soda or wood kiln.

My pots, like my life, are simple, minimal, unadorned, casual and comfortable.

Although I grew up in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, as a child I spent every possible moment in the country exploring the woods and playing in creeks with a dog or two by my side. The earthy tones and minimalism of my functional pots reflect the nature that surrounded me as a child. I am drawn to and hope to create pots that have an organic and natural feel to them. These are the pots that pull me in. Their irregularities give these pots a personality not unlike our own physical presence. I juxtapose minimalism, simply clean lines, designs that are unadorned but have a strong presence with aspects that are loose, organic and causal.